Ukiah Daily News Journal

March 19, 2005
Sweetie, your laughter is in a bright star now. I'm so sad you had to go so soon.
   Linda DeArmond (Tigard, OR )

   March 18, 2005
You will be missed very much. You put a lot of smiles on peoples faces. Even though we weren't that good of friends, I was still glad that we were. I remember when I was walking home from school one day and you picked me up and gave me a ride home. See, just the little things you did can stick in someone's memories. I know it did mine. I know I said it before but, thanks for the ride.
   Nikki Wright (Elk City, OK )

   March 4, 2005
Michelle, you were like a daughter to me and I love you very much. It is so hard without you here. I still keep expecting you to call and say " I am coming home can I stay at your house" I love and miss you. You will always have a special place in my heart. Love you
   Krissy Ullrich (Ukiah, CA )

   February 4, 2005

   January 30, 2005
We will all miss Michelle for her wonderful look on life.
   Chad Pettit (Escondido, CA )

   January 28, 2005
To The Nunes Family,

Our thoughts, prayers and love to you all at this time. Michelle was a wonderful person with a beautiful smile and love of life.

Wes, Tami, Mikey & Shelbie Nail
Don and Edythe Pittman
   Tami Nail (Reno, NV )

   January 27, 2005
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says: ‘There, she is gone.” “Gone where?” Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.

Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!” there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: “Here she comes!”

   January 26, 2005
Vera and Family,

Our Thoughts and Prayers are with all of you.

The Troia Family
   Nancy Troia (Ukiah, CA )

   January 26, 2005
Nunes girls,

Didn't get to say much to you last night at the memorial, so I just wanted to say that Michelle was always a burst of energy whenever we saw her and the rest of you, which was not often enough. I will always remember Christmases with the 4 Nunes girls. Stay strong and I hope the next time we see each other it's for a happier occasion.


   JD Vargas (Lincoln, CA )

   January 25, 2005
Dearest Michelle,
You will be missed dearly.Thank you for your inspiration on life.Your smile that made everyone smile.We love you! Mistie & Terry
   Mistie Scheuermann (Ukiah, CA )
January 22, 2005
To Mike, Vera, Tori, Angie, Lindsay, spouses, and grandchildren---- May we all celebrate Michelle's light as she taught us how to do. She will light up the heavens w/ her sparkle!! Many prayers from the Chan Family
   kathryn chan (mill valley, CA )

   January 21, 2005
thank you for everything you have done for lindsey, Nia, Estella and me. You are a blessing in our live's. I know you are looking down on us with a smile. Till we meet again. love shawn
   Shawn Stillman (Portland, OR )

   January 21, 2005
Michelle--you weren't just a wild, full of life, beautiful women. You were a young women who was a loving Aunt to Kyle, Alissa, Brandt, Cole, Nia & Estella, a wonderful daughter, sister & friend. You will be missed by everyone who knew you or just saw you walk into a room. I will truly miss your wonderful smile. I love you.

Vera, Tori, Michael, Angie & Lindsey--I am truly sorry for your loss. My heart and thoughts are with all of you and your extended family. I will never forget the joy Michelle brought into my life.
   Tamie Wade-Britton (Ukiah, CA )

   January 21, 2005
We will miss your bubbly personality and your wonderful sense of humor. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Scott & Theresa Stutsman & family
   Theresa Stutsman (Ukiah, CA )

   January 21, 2005


   January 21, 2005
Mike and Vera I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. May love from family and friends help you thru this.
Star and Steve
   Star Roberts (Ukiah, CA )

   January 20, 2005
Michelle was such a beautiful, kind hearted, fun loving individual whose smile I will miss greatly. To Lindsay, and the rest of the Nunes family, my thoughts and prayers are with you
   Emily Welch (Ukiah, CA )

   January 20, 2005
Vera and girls
you are always in your prayers.Michelle was a light in everyones life .She will live on in our hearts forever!We love you.
   karyn pardini (redwood valley, CA )

   January 20, 2005
Dearest Angie and Nunes family,
I am sincerely sorry to learn of Michelle's passing. You are in my thoughs and heart as I know the sadness and grief you are feeling at the loss of your sister, daughter, friend. My love to you.
   Roberta Valdez (Santa Cruz, CA )

   January 20, 2005
What a tragic loss for everyone who knew this amazing woman. I've had the absolute joys of being her friend for the past 8 years. She spread happiness with her smile and hugs that always felt like home

Pig, You are loved and will defintely be missed!
   Nicole Krause (Sacramento, CA )
January 25, 2005
Nunes Family,
I am so sorry for your loss. I will always remember Michelle as energetic and entertaining, especially on the soccer field! Her free spirit will be missed by many. Your family is my prayers.
   Ginger Webb (Northridge, CA )

   January 25, 2005
I will always remember Michelle as the fun loving character she was on and off the soccer field. She always found a way to make us laugh. I will miss her dearly. Michelle, Wanda and I love you! To Mike, Vera and the family: My prayers are with you.
   Connie Lucido (Orange, CA )

   January 25, 2005
To the Nunes Family,
I can't even imagine what it is like to lose one of your children. My heart goes out to you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sincerely yours Theresa and Steven Stillman

   January 24, 2005
Mike, Vera and the rest of the Nunes family. I have watched Michelle grow from a beautiful little girl into a beautiful young woman. She grew up living life, as so many of us wish that we might live, to the fullest. She let nothing hold her back,nor anything become an obstacle on her road of life. I am sorry for your loss, just as everyone whom she touched will also feel a deep sorrow. For those that Michelle knew feel a sorrow for those whom have missed knowing a truely wonderfull woman. Lets remember that love can not be measured, but instead felt. So when the warm sun is shining on your face, that is Michelle's love shining on you, for she is never really gone, she will always be with the ones she loves. My deepest sympathy go out to you. I to will miss her.
   Adam R. (CA )

   January 24, 2005
Michelle was a great friend.I will miss her.
   Ron Reed (Portland, OR )

   January 23, 2005
To my friend Vera and the rest of the Nunes family, I am very sorry to hear about the loss of Michelle, my thoughts and prayers are with you!
   Michelle Perrone (Ukiah, CA )

   January 23, 2005
Mike Vera and family,
With our sympathy- If we could, we would take your pain away. Yet we can be with you in our thoughts. If we could, we would soothe your grief. Yet we can offer you all our love and sympathy. We're so sorry for your loss, and we want you to know that our hearts are with you.
Love you Michelle, we will miss you dearly.
   Brenda Wattenburger(DeCook) (Casper,Wy.)

   January 22, 2005
love you Michelle- I will look at the pictures of our adventures, remember the crazy fun we had together and smile. Ya Ya's live on! Warm love, Krista (JD)
   Krista Knigge (Minneapolis, MN )

   January 22, 2005
Mike and Vera I am so sorry for your loss. I enjoyed Michelle in class as well as all of your children. I send my prayers for you in your time of grief.
   Sharon Elliott (Phoenix, AZ )

   January 22, 2005
Vera,Angie & The Nunes Family,
I'm so so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. Michelle was a amazing, awesome, goofy, silly, beautiful girl & although I have not seen her for a few years, I can remember her amazing smile & beautiful spirit. Michelle lived behind me in High School and we used to hop over my fence to get to each other's house so we could borrow each other's clothes! We would go to school together sometimes, go on walks and just be silly. She was a soccer cowgirl with style! =0) Michelle was a genuine person and I feel truly blessed to be able to have called her my friend! I will miss her forever! You are all in my prayer's! Rest in peace my dear friend! Lots of Love, Dody
   DodySara Ditty-Jones (Redwood Valley, CA )
January 20, 2005
Vera, Mike and Family, my heart goes out to all of you. Michelle was so full of life! No one will every forget her smile. She touched so many lifes with her energy and positivity. -Michelle, Thanks for a wild time. I will rock to the tape of your favorite songs, you will always be remembered.
   Wendi Crabb (Miller) (Fort Bragg, CA )

   January 20, 2005
We will miss Michelle's beautiful smile, her love for laughter and the happiness that entered the room when she did. She has touched many people with unconditional love, passion and friendship....she will be greatly missed in our hearts....but will live forever in our memories...
   Callie and the Kids.... (Redwood Valley, CA )

   January 20, 2005
Michelle, I will always remember you for your zest for life and the excitment you had shown for it everyday.
   Michelle Dale (Cincinnati, OH )

   January 20, 2005
Michelle was a beautiful person. I've known her since she was a pretty little girl in junior high. Her positive outlook and energetic personality will be missed so much.
To her parents; Having lost a child that I loved, I know the pain and heartbreak you must be feeling. My thoughts are with you and her entire family.
   Linda Pitman (Ukiah, CA )

   January 20, 2005
Mike, Vera and Family:

Even though we never knew Michelle, as friends formerally from Ukiah, we wanted to express our sincere condolence.

   Tom and Debbi Musser (Vancouver, WA )

   January 20, 2005
Michelle, you will be dearly missed by family and friends.You will always be in our heart. From all of us at the Botttle shop Deli
   Ron Marino (Ukiah, CA )

   January 20, 2005
Michelle was a special person. I will miss her.
   Dennis Lucido (Los Angeles, CA )